Jackson's team is programming game levels. What stage of the production cycle is Jackson's team currently working in?

(1 point)



internal production


It is not possible to determine the specific stage of the production cycle without more information. However, based on the given scenario, it is likely that Jackson's team is currently working in the alpha stage.

Based on the information provided, Jackson's team is currently working in the alpha stage of the production cycle.

To determine in which stage of the production cycle Jackson's team is currently working, we need to understand the different stages of game development.

1. Pre-production: This is the initial phase where the game concept is developed, ideas are discussed, and the overall vision is refined. This includes tasks such as creating the game design document, storyboarding, setting goals, and planning.

2. Alpha: The alpha stage is the initial playable version of the game that includes the core mechanics and features. It is often an internal version and can be considered a rough draft of the game.

3. Beta: The beta stage is a more polished version of the game that is made available to a selected group of testers or a wider audience for feedback and bug testing. It may still have some issues that need to be addressed.

4. Internal production: This stage refers to the actual development phase of creating game assets, coding, and implementing mechanics. It involves working on different aspects of the game, including level design, character development, art assets, programming, and more.

5. Post-production: This stage comes after the game is completed and focuses on finalizing and polishing the product. It includes tasks like bug fixing, optimizing performance, refining graphics and sound, and preparing for release.

Based on the information given, Jackson's team is currently working on programming game levels, which is a part of the internal production stage.