Which of the following development strategies is used for game design because it allows for real-time testing and constant

improvements throughout the development of the game?
(1 point)
iterative design

engineering design

scientific method

linear design

The correct answer is iterative design.

The development strategy that is used for game design because it allows for real-time testing and constant improvements throughout the development of the game is iterative design.

The correct answer is "iterative design".

Iterative design is a development strategy commonly used in game design that allows for real-time testing and continuous improvements throughout the development process. It involves creating a prototype or initial version of the game, testing it with users or playtesters, gathering feedback, and then making necessary adjustments before testing again. This cycle is repeated multiple times until a final version of the game is achieved.

To arrive at the correct answer, you can eliminate the options that are not applicable:

1. Engineering design: Engineering design focuses on creating technical solutions for specific problems, but it does not necessarily involve real-time testing or constant improvements throughout development.
2. Scientific method: The scientific method is a systematic way of conducting experiments and gathering data to make observations or draw conclusions. While it can be used to inform game development, it is not specifically tailored for real-time testing and constant improvements.
3. Linear design: Linear design involves following a sequential path from start to finish without much room for iteration or flexibility. This approach does not align with the constant testing and improvements needed in game development.

By process of elimination, we can conclude that the appropriate development strategy for game design that allows for real-time testing and continuous improvements is "iterative design."