Which location on an English-language page is often neglected by the eye?

Select an answer:
top middle
bottom right
bottom left
top right

bottom left

The answer is "bottom left." This location on an English-language page is often neglected by the eye.

The location on an English-language page that is often neglected by the eye is the bottom left.

This phenomenon is known as the "F-shaped pattern" or the "Fitts' Law" effect. Research has shown that when people read English text, their eyes tend to focus more on the top and left portions of a page, forming an F-shaped scanning pattern. This means that the top left area of a page receives the most attention, followed by the top right and then the middle.

The bottom left portion of the page is typically ignored or receives less attention because it falls outside the natural reading and scanning pattern. As a result, important information placed in the bottom left corner might be easily overlooked or not given enough consideration by the reader.

It's worth noting that this pattern may vary depending on cultural factors and reading habits, but the F-shaped pattern is generally observed in English-language page layouts and has important implications for website design and content placement.