3/5-1/2 in fraction form

To subtract 1/2 from 3/5, we need to have a common denominator. The least common multiple of 5 and 2 is 10.

Converting 3/5 to have a denominator of 10:
3/5 * (2/2) = 6/10

Converting 1/2 to have a denominator of 10:
1/2 * (5/5) = 5/10

Subtracting the fractions:
6/10 - 5/10 = 1/10

Therefore, 3/5 - 1/2 in fraction form is 1/10.

√9/25 fraction form

To write √9/25 in fraction form, we first simplify the square root of 9:

√9 = √(3^2) = 3

Now we can rewrite the expression as a fraction:

√9/25 = 3/25


Apologies for the incorrect response. Let's try again.

√9 is the square root of 9, which is equal to 3. So, the expression √9/25 can be simplified to 3/25 in fraction form.

is not

Apologies for the confusion. Let's simplify the expression √9/25.

The square root of 9 is equal to 3. So, √9/25 can be simplified as 3/25 in fraction form.