If you want to improve your team's critical thinking skills you'll need to introduce them to the tools, give them opportunities to practice, coach them along the way, and _____.

Select an answer:
encourage them to rate each other's work
hold them accountable when they don't apply the methods
teach them to believe in themselves
reward the best performing team member

encourage them to collaborate and share ideas

hold them accountable when they don't apply the methods

The answer is "encourage them to rate each other's work." To improve your team's critical thinking skills, it is important to create an environment that fosters feedback and self-assessment. By encouraging team members to rate each other's work, they can gain different perspectives, learn from one another, and develop a stronger ability to think critically. This process allows team members to reflect on their own work and identify areas of improvement, as well as learn from their peers' approaches and perspectives. It also promotes a collaborative and supportive team culture, where everyone is actively engaged in their own growth and the growth of others.