After pollination occur in plants male and female sex cells come together to produce offsprings (babies) this process is called


Term for sex cells male=sperm female=egg

The terms for male and female sex cells are:

- Male sex cell: sperm or spermatozoa
- Female sex cell: egg or ova

After pollination occur in plants male and female sex cells come together to produce offsprings (babies) this process

When an animal is present in the area of a flower and pollen is transferred from its fur to another plant within the area we call this process

The process you are referring to is called cross-pollination. It occurs when pollen from one plant is transferred to the reproductive organs (such as the stigma) of another plant, typically with the help of animals, insects, wind, or other external factors. Cross-pollination is essential for genetic diversity and the production of offspring in many plant species.

When an animal is present in the area of a flower and pollen is transferred from its fur to another plant within the area we call this process

The process you are referring to is called animal-mediated or animal-assisted pollination. In this process, animals such as insects, birds, bats, or other animals inadvertently transfer pollen from the male reproductive parts (anthers) of one flower to the female reproductive parts (stigma) of another flower while they are feeding on nectar or pollen. This process plays a crucial role in the pollination of numerous plant species where animals act as pollinators.

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The process you are referring to is called zoophily.

Plants are very important to our ecosystem as they help change carbon dioxide into oxygen the process of the plants cells taking in the CO2, sunlight and water to produce it own sugar and give off O2 is a process we called