- You have gathered imagery online that represents at least five things about yourself, and

put all elements in a folder in a folder on your desktop, and called it What Represents Me.
-In Google Slides or Keynote make a slide titled What Represents Me Collage
-Using the elements you retrieved from the internet begin making your collage
-Use the tools available to you to give great creative effects to your pictures
-Think about rules of good composition when designing your layout of elements and
background. Move layers around from the layer palette.
-Try to blend layers for a unique effect
-Save your work periodically as you work on it until you are completely done with it, and
then export as a a PDF to Schoology here and turn it in.
- Include in your submission a TWO PARAGRAPH description explaining the different
pictures and how they relate to you.
See the attached for examples of a What Represents Me Collage:

Unfortunately, as a language model AI, I cannot physically gather imagery online, create files, or use tools like Google Slides or Keynote. However, I can still provide you with a two-paragraph description of different pictures that could potentially represent someone and explain how they relate to them.

In this collage, I would include a picture of a book to represent my love for knowledge and learning. Books have always been my escape and source of inspiration. They represent my curiosity and desire to explore different ideas and perspectives.

Another image I would include is a globe, symbolizing my passion for travel and experiencing different cultures. Exploring new places and meeting people from diverse backgrounds has broadened my understanding of the world and shaped my empathy and appreciation for diversity.

Next, I would add a picture of a camera, representing my interest in photography. Photography allows me to capture and share moments, emotions, and stories. It helps me see beauty in the ordinary and express my creativity.

A fourth image I would choose is a pair of running shoes, symbolizing my love for running and staying active. Running not only keeps me physically fit but also brings mental clarity and a sense of accomplishment. It represents my determination and discipline.

Lastly, I would include an image of a puzzle piece, symbolizing my problem-solving skills and analytical mindset. I enjoy solving complex problems and finding innovative solutions. It represents my logical thinking and ability to think outside the box.

Overall, this collage represents my thirst for knowledge, love for travel, passion for photography, dedication to fitness, and analytical thinking. These images reflect different facets of my personality and interests, providing a glimpse into what represents me.

What should the background be?

When choosing a background for your "What Represents Me" collage, it's important to consider the overall composition and aesthetic you're going for. Here are a few ideas for backgrounds that you could use:

1. Minimalist: Opt for a clean, solid-colored background, such as white or a soft pastel shade. This type of background will help your images stand out and create a simple, elegant look.

2. Nature-inspired: Choose a background with natural elements like a scenic landscape, a beautiful sunrise, or a lush forest. This can reflect your love for the outdoors and create a calming and serene atmosphere.

3. Collage or textured: Consider using a collage-style background made up of various textures, patterns, or images. This can add depth and visual interest to your collage and make it more visually dynamic.

4. Personalized: Create a background using your own photos or images that hold personal significance to you. It could be a collection of memories, snapshots of your favorite places, or even abstract patterns that evoke certain emotions or themes.

Remember to ensure that the background doesn't overpower the images or make the text illegible. It should complement the overall theme and enhance the visual cohesiveness of your collage. Experiment with different options and choose one that best represents your style and personality.

Creating a What Represents Me Collage requires gathering imagery online and using tools available in Google Slides or Keynote to design the collage. Follow these step-by-step instructions:

1. Gather imagery: Search online and find at least five images that represent different aspects of yourself. Save these images in a folder on your desktop titled "What Represents Me."

2. Open Google Slides or Keynote: Open either Google Slides or Keynote presentation software on your computer.

3. Create a new slide: Add a new slide to your presentation and title it "What Represents Me Collage."

4. Design the collage: Insert the images you gathered from the internet onto the slide. Arrange the images to create a visually appealing layout. Consider the rules of good composition, such as the rule of thirds and balance.

5. Apply creative effects: Use the available tools in Google Slides or Keynote to apply creative effects to your images. Experiment with filters, transparency, saturation, or any other effects that enhance the visual appeal of the collage.

6. Blend layers: If possible, use the layer palette to blend layers together for a unique effect. This can create interesting visual effects and make the collage more cohesive.

7. Save your work: Save your work periodically as you progress, ensuring that it is properly backed up. This step is crucial to avoid losing your work in case of any technical issues or accidents.

8. Export as a PDF: Once you are completely satisfied with your collage, export it as a PDF file. This format ensures that your collage can be easily viewed and shared.

9. Submit your work: Upload the PDF file to Schoology, following the submission guidelines provided by your instructor. Make sure to include a two-paragraph description explaining the different pictures and how they relate to you.

By following these steps, you will be able to create a visually appealing What Represents Me Collage using Google Slides or Keynote.

To create a "What Represents Me" collage using Google Slides or Keynote, follow these steps:

1. Gather imagery online: Search for images that represent different aspects of yourself. You can search for hobbies, interests, favorite places, or anything that reflects your personality.

2. Create a folder: On your desktop, create a new folder and name it "What Represents Me." Save all the images you found in this folder.

3. Open Google Slides or Keynote: Open the presentation software of your choice and create a new slide titled "What Represents Me Collage."

4. Start making your collage: Insert the images from the folder you created on your desktop into the slide. Resize and position them as desired.

5. Use creative effects: Explore the tools available in the software to enhance your images. You can experiment with filters, contrast, brightness, and any other effects that suit your style.

6. Apply composition rules: Consider the principles of good composition, such as the rule of thirds, balance, and visual hierarchy, when arranging your images. Move the layers around from the layer palette to find the best arrangement.

7. Blend layers: If your software supports layer blending, try blending different layers together to create a unique effect. This can add depth and visual interest to your collage.

8. Save periodically: Save your work regularly as you progress to avoid losing any changes. This ensures that you can easily revert to previous versions if needed.

9. Export as a PDF: Once you are completely done with your collage, export it as a PDF file. Check the software's export or save as options to find the PDF format.

10. Submit your work: Upload the PDF to Schoology or your desired submission platform. Along with the collage, include a two-paragraph description explaining the different pictures and how they relate to you.

Remember to be creative and have fun during this process. Your "What Represents Me" collage should reflect your unique personality and interests.