By referencing two sources provide a definition for the concept gang

Source 1: The National Institute of Justice defines a gang as "a group of three or more individuals who engage in criminal activity and identify themselves with a specific territory or name." (Source: National Institute of Justice,

Source 2: According to the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), a gang is "a durable, structured criminal group consisting of three or more individuals, existing for a period of time and acting in concert with the aim of committing serious offenses punishable by at least four years imprisonment or greater." (Source: United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime,

Source 1: Definitions from Merriam-Webster Dictionary

According to Merriam-Webster Dictionary, a gang is defined as a group of people who associate regularly or formally for criminal or antisocial purposes. It further explains that gangs often have a specific territory or geographic location that they claim as their own, and they may engage in activities such as drug dealing, violence, and intimidation.

Source 2: Definitions from the National Gang Center

According to the National Gang Center, a gang refers to a group of individuals who share a common identity and engage in delinquent or criminal activities. They state that gangs typically exhibit characteristics such as a specific name or symbol, a hierarchy or leadership structure, and involvement in illegal or illicit activities, including but not limited to drug trafficking, robbery, and violence. The National Gang Center also mentions that gang members often establish and enforce their own code of conduct and rules.

To find a definition for the concept of a gang, a reliable approach is to consult credible sources such as dictionaries or academic publications. Here are two sources you can refer to for a definition of a gang:

1. Merriam-Webster Dictionary:
According to Merriam-Webster, a gang is "a group of persons working or associated together," specifically, it is "a group of persons working to unlawful or antisocial ends; especially: a band of antisocial adolescents." This source provides a concise and commonly accepted definition of the term.

2. The National Institute of Justice (NIJ):
The NIJ, a research agency under the U.S. Department of Justice, provides a more comprehensive definition: "A gang is a group of people who claim a territory and use it to make money through illegal activities, often forcefully. Some gangs are also involved in prostitution, intimidation, or other violent activities." This source offers a more detailed understanding by including the aspect of territorial control and involvement in illegal activities.

By referring to these two sources, you can gather a better understanding of the concept of a gang, encompassing both the general and specific dimensions of the term.