What would happen to a plant if the chloroplasts in its cells became damaged? (1 point)

The plant would be unable to make protein.
The plant would not have a rigid structure.
The plant would not make glucose and oxygen.
The plant would be unable to reproduce.

The plant would not make glucose and oxygen.

Using your understanding of the function of chloroplasts and specialized cells, infer why plant root cells lack chloroplasts.

(1 point)
Root cells have two central vacuoles.
Root cells have many mitochondria
Roots are underground and are not exposed to sunlight.
Roots require fewer nutrients

Roots are underground and are not exposed to sunlight.

What is the main difference between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells? (1 point)


Prokaryotes lack ribosomes to make proteins.
Prokaryotes lack membrane-bound organelles
Prokaryotes lack a cell membrane on the outside.

Prokaryotes use RNA instead of DNA

Prokaryotes lack membrane-bound organelles.

If the chloroplasts in a plant's cells become damaged, there are several consequences for the plant:

1. The plant would not be able to conduct photosynthesis effectively, which is the process by which chloroplasts convert light energy into glucose and oxygen. As a result, the plant would not be able to produce the necessary amount of glucose and oxygen for energy and survival.

2. Without sufficient glucose production, the plant would not have the necessary energy for growth, maintenance, and reproduction. Glucose is crucial for various metabolic processes in plants, including the synthesis of proteins and the production of cellular energy (ATP).

3. Additionally, the damaged chloroplasts would negatively impact the plant's ability to produce essential pigments, such as chlorophyll, which are crucial for absorbing light energy during photosynthesis. Without these pigments, the plant would appear pale or discolored and would not be able to efficiently capture sunlight for energy production.

Therefore, the correct statement regarding the consequences of damaged chloroplasts in plant cells is: "The plant would not make glucose and oxygen."

If the chloroplasts in the cells of a plant become damaged, it would have several negative effects on the plant's overall health and functions.

Chloroplasts are specialized organelles found in plant cells that contain a green pigment called chlorophyll. These chlorophyll molecules play a vital role in photosynthesis, the process by which plants convert light energy into chemical energy. During photosynthesis, chloroplasts absorb sunlight and use it to convert carbon dioxide and water into glucose (a type of sugar) and oxygen.

Now, let's examine the given options:

1. The plant would be unable to make protein.
- Although chloroplasts play a role in protein synthesis, the main consequence of damaged chloroplasts would not be the complete inability to make proteins. Other cellular organelles like ribosomes are involved in protein synthesis as well, so the plant would still be able to produce proteins, although its overall efficiency may be affected.

2. The plant would not have a rigid structure.
- The rigid structure of plants is primarily supported by the cell wall, which is made of cellulose. Chloroplasts are not directly involved in providing rigidity to the plant. Therefore, even if the chloroplasts are damaged, the plant's structure would not be significantly affected.

3. The plant would not make glucose and oxygen.
- This statement is correct. Chloroplasts are responsible for converting light energy into chemical energy (glucose) and releasing oxygen as a byproduct. If the chloroplasts are damaged, the plant would not be able to carry out photosynthesis effectively, resulting in a reduced production of glucose and oxygen.

4. The plant would be unable to reproduce.
- Reproduction in plants involves specialized structures like flowers, pollen, and seeds. While chloroplasts are important for the overall health and growth of the plant, they do not directly impact its reproductive abilities. Therefore, damaged chloroplasts would not prevent the plant from reproducing.

So, the correct answer is: "The plant would not make glucose and oxygen."