Jeanine and Bo conduct an experiment at school. They put vinegar in a dish and then they added baking soda to it. Lots of bubbles formed as they stirred the two substance together after the bubbling stopped. They notice that they no longer could smell the distinct odor of vinegar their teacher explained that the atoms made the vinegar and the atoms making the baking soda work. Combine to form water, carbon dioxide, and other compounds called sodium acetate Jeanine about determined that a reaction —— take place when a reaction takes place items must——

Jeanine, about determining that a reaction took place, when a reaction takes place, items must undergo a change in their chemical properties or composition.

When a reaction takes place, certain conditions must be met:

1. Reactants: The substances or reagents that are involved in the reaction must be present. In this case, the reactants are vinegar (acetic acid) and baking soda (sodium bicarbonate).

2. Collision: The reactants must come in contact with each other. For a reaction to occur, the molecules of the reactants need to collide with sufficient energy and proper orientation.

3. Activation energy: The reactants need to overcome a certain energy barrier called activation energy. This energy is required to break the existing bonds in the reactant molecules and start the reaction.

4. Chemical changes: During the reaction, there is a rearrangement and formation of new chemical bonds. In this case, the acetic acid in vinegar reacts with sodium bicarbonate to form water, carbon dioxide, and sodium acetate.

5. Products: The resulting substances, called products, are formed as a result of the reaction. In this particular case, water, carbon dioxide, and sodium acetate are formed as products.

Overall, for a reaction to occur, the reactants must be present, collide with each other, overcome activation energy, undergo chemical changes, and form new products.

When a reaction takes place, certain criteria must be met. Jeanine is trying to determine what those criteria are. In order to figure this out, we can break down the information given.

1. Jeanine and Bo mixed vinegar and baking soda, which caused bubbles to form. This suggests that a chemical reaction occurred.

2. The distinct odor of vinegar was no longer present after the reaction. This indicates that the reactants (vinegar and baking soda) transformed into different substances.

3. The teacher explained that the atoms in vinegar and baking soda combined to form water, carbon dioxide, and sodium acetate.

Based on this information, we can determine the criteria for a chemical reaction to occur:

- A change in properties: The distinct odor of vinegar disappeared after the reaction, indicating a change in properties.

- Formation of new substances: The vinegar and baking soda combined to produce water, carbon dioxide, and sodium acetate, which are different from the original substances.

- Rearrangement of atoms: The atoms in the vinegar and baking soda rearranged to form the new substances. This indicates that chemical bonds were broken and new ones were formed.

Therefore, Jeanine can conclude that when a reaction takes place:

1. There should be a change in properties.

2. New substances should be formed.

3. Atoms should rearrange to create these new substances.

By observing these criteria in an experiment, one can determine if a chemical reaction has occurred.