Remember the part about talking back and smiling," Louise Fullerton had put in, laughing. She was another celebrity in high school, pretty and dark and Vice-President of the student council. "You can't say anything unless your big sister asks you something or tells you to talk to someone. And you can't smile, no matter how you're dying to." The girls had laughed a little nervously, and then the bell had rung for the beginning of afternoon classes.

Which phrase from the passage is the best example of indirect characterization?

"pretty and dark and Vice-President of the student council."

The phrase "pretty and dark and Vice-President of the student council" is the best example of indirect characterization in the passage.

To identify the best example of indirect characterization in the passage, we need to look for a phrase that provides insight into a character's personality, traits, or behavior without explicitly stating it.

In this case, the phrase "You can't smile, no matter how you're dying to" showcases a character's behavior. It implies that the character desires to smile but is restrained from doing so. This indirectly characterizes the individual as someone with a strong urge to express happiness or amusement. Therefore, the phrase "You can't smile, no matter how you're dying to" is the best example of indirect characterization in the passage.