An asteroid approaches Jupiter and is slung around into a new trajectory across the solar system. Which of the following are possible? Select the three correct answers.(2 points)

The asteroid spirals into the sun.
The asteroid spirals into the sun.

The asteroid enters a stable elliptical orbit around the sun.
The asteroid enters a stable elliptical orbit around the sun.

The asteroid adopts an unusual orbit around the sun, such as an egg shape.
The asteroid adopts an unusual orbit around the sun, such as an egg shape.

The asteroid continues out of the solar system.
The asteroid continues out of the solar system.

The asteroid falls into an irregular orbit around Jupiter.
The asteroid falls into an irregular orbit around Jupiter.

The asteroid slows down as it passes around Jupiter.

The three correct answers are:

1. The asteroid enters a stable elliptical orbit around the sun.
2. The asteroid adopts an unusual orbit around the sun, such as an egg shape.
3. The asteroid continues out of the solar system.

The three correct answers are:

1. The asteroid enters a stable elliptical orbit around the sun.
2. The asteroid adopts an unusual orbit around the sun, such as an egg shape.
3. The asteroid continues out of the solar system.

To determine which of the options are possible, we can consider the physics behind the scenario.

When an asteroid approaches Jupiter and is slung around, its trajectory can be affected by Jupiter's gravity. Let's evaluate each option:

1. The asteroid spirals into the sun.
This option is not possible because for the asteroid to spiral into the sun, it would need to lose a significant amount of energy and the sun's gravitational pull alone is not sufficient to cause such a trajectory change.

2. The asteroid enters a stable elliptical orbit around the sun.
This option is possible. If Jupiter's gravity slings the asteroid with enough speed, it can enter a stable elliptical orbit around the sun.

3. The asteroid adopts an unusual orbit around the sun, such as an egg shape.
This option is possible. Depending on the specific trajectory and the influence of Jupiter's gravity, the asteroid can adopt an irregular orbit with an egg shape.

4. The asteroid continues out of the solar system.
This option is possible. If the asteroid gains enough speed from Jupiter's gravity, it can be flung out of the solar system and continue its trajectory into interstellar space.

5. The asteroid falls into an irregular orbit around Jupiter.
This option is possible. Instead of leaving Jupiter's orbit entirely, the asteroid could potentially end up in an irregular orbit around Jupiter due to a gravitational slingshot.

6. The asteroid slows down as it passes around Jupiter.
This option is possible. When an asteroid approaches Jupiter, it can gain or lose speed depending on the specific trajectory and the energy exchange during the encounter. The asteroid could potentially slow down as it passes near Jupiter.

From the provided options, the three correct answers are:
- The asteroid enters a stable elliptical orbit around the sun.
- The asteroid adopts an unusual orbit around the sun, such as an egg shape.
- The asteroid continues out of the solar system.