When using the technique of direct characterization, authors often use _____ to describe characters.

long sentences

others' opinions

physical traits

many adjectives

In direct characterization, authors often use physical traits and many adjectives to describe characters. However, they may also use others' opinions and provide detailed information through long sentences to help readers form a clear understanding of the characters.

When using the technique of direct characterization, authors often use many adjectives to describe characters.

When using the technique of direct characterization, authors often use multiple elements to describe characters. While long sentences and many adjectives can be part of the description, they are not the only methods used. Another effective approach frequently used by authors for direct characterization is the inclusion of others' opinions. By presenting the perspectives and thoughts of other characters, authors provide additional insight into the nature and personality of a given character. Additionally, describing the physical traits of characters is another common practice in direct characterization, as it allows readers to form visual images and better understand the characters' appearances. Therefore, while all of the options you provided are part of the toolkit an author may employ, it is important to note that authors often use a combination of these techniques to effectively portray their characters.