What do technology systems refer to? 

The impact of technology on individuals, communities, and society 

The risks and negative consequences of excessive technology use 

The consequences of inappropriate use of technology 

The ethical considerations and guidelines for technology use 

The infrastructure, hardware, and software that enable technological tools 
Choose only 1.

The infrastructure, hardware, and software that enable technological tools

The infrastructure, hardware, and software that enable technological tools.

Technology systems refer to the infrastructure, hardware, and software that enable technological tools.

If you want to verify this answer, you can start by breaking down the question and analyzing each option:

1. The impact of technology on individuals, communities, and society: This option refers to the effects of technology rather than the systems themselves. It focuses on the consequences, both positive and negative, that technology has on various aspects of life.

2. The risks and negative consequences of excessive technology use: This option also deals with the consequences of technology use, specifically emphasizing the potential dangers and drawbacks of excessive or irresponsible use.

3. The consequences of inappropriate use of technology: Similar to the previous option, this choice pertains to the outcomes or repercussions of using technology inappropriately, highlighting situations where technology is misused or abused.

4. The ethical considerations and guidelines for technology use: This option explores the ethical dimensions of technology and provides guidelines for responsible and ethical use. It goes beyond the systems themselves and focuses on the moral implications and decision-making processes related to technology usage.

5. The infrastructure, hardware, and software that enable technological tools: This is the option that refers to technology systems. It encompasses the physical and virtual components, such as networks, devices, operating systems, software applications, and databases, that work together to support and enable the functionality of technological tools.

Based on this analysis, the correct choice that directly aligns with the definition of technology systems is option 5.