Which of the following were the causes of the French and Indian War? (Select 2) (2 points)

Native Americans wanted to protect their land and resources from outsiders.
The British tricked the French and Native Americans into fighting against each other.
The French and the Native Americans both wanted to control the gold trade.
The British and the French both wanted control of the Ohio River Valley.

The Native Americans wanted to protect their land and resources from outsiders, and the British and the French both wanted control of the Ohio River Valley.

The causes of the French and Indian War were:

1. Native Americans wanted to protect their land and resources from outsiders.
2. The British and the French both wanted control of the Ohio River Valley.

To determine the causes of the French and Indian War, we can analyze each statement and assess its accuracy:

1. Native Americans wanted to protect their land and resources from outsiders.
This statement is true. Native Americans saw European settlers encroaching on their territories and felt the need to defend their lands and resources.

2. The British tricked the French and Native Americans into fighting against each other.
This statement is not entirely accurate. While there were instances of British manipulation and provocation, it cannot be said that they tricked the French and Native Americans into fighting against each other. Tensions between the European powers in North America were already high, and conflicting territorial and economic interests contributed to the outbreak of the war.

3. The French and the Native Americans both wanted to control the gold trade.
This statement is false. The desire to control the gold trade was not a significant factor in causing the French and Indian War. The conflict primarily revolved around control over the territories and resources in North America.

4. The British and the French both wanted control of the Ohio River Valley.
This statement is true. The struggle for control over the Ohio River Valley and its valuable fur trade was a major cause of the war. Both the British and the French sought to establish authority and expand their influence in this region.

Therefore, the causes of the French and Indian War were:

1. Native Americans wanting to protect their land and resources from outsiders.
2. The British and the French both wanting control of the Ohio River Valley.

It's important to note that historical events can be complex and multifaceted, so other factors may have contributed to the causes of the war as well.