Where is the sun located on Earth's elliptical orbit

O at a focus
O at the perihelium
O at the aphelium
O at the center of the two foci

The sun is located at one of the foci of Earth's elliptical orbit.

The sun is located at one of the foci of Earth's elliptical orbit.

The sun is located at one of the foci of Earth's elliptical orbit. To understand this, let's start by understanding what an ellipse is. An ellipse is a geometric shape with two foci (plural of focus) located inside the shape. These foci have a special property: the sum of the distances from any point on the ellipse to the two foci is constant.

In the case of Earth's elliptical orbit around the sun, one of the foci is occupied by the sun itself. This means that as Earth moves along its elliptical path, the distance between the sun and Earth changes. At one point in Earth's orbit, known as perihelion, Earth is closest to the sun. At this time, the sun is at/near the other focus of the ellipse. On the opposite side of Earth's orbit, at a point called aphelion, Earth is farthest from the sun.

So, to answer your question, the sun is located at one of the foci of Earth's elliptical orbit, not at the center or any other point on the ellipse.