the temperature of the sun at its center is about 2.7x10^7 degrees fahrenheit what is this temperature written in decimal notation?

The temperature of the sun at its center, 2.7x10^7 degrees Fahrenheit, in decimal notation is 27,000,000 degrees Fahrenheit.

use scientific notation to determine which of these numbers has the least value: 98,789,000; 987,890,000; or 89,987,000. write your answer in scientific notation expressed to the exact decimal place

To compare the values in scientific notation, let's express each number in the proper scientific notation format:

98,789,000 = 9.8789 x 10^7
987,890,000 = 9.8789 x 10^8
89,987,000 = 8.9987 x 10^7

Comparing these values, we can see that 9.8789 x 10^7 has the least value.

place the numbers in decending order.

2.3 x 10^-10 ; 3.2 x 10^-10 ; 2.3 x 10^-12 ; 2.3 x 10^8

To place the numbers in descending order, we need to compare the exponents first.

2.3 x 10^8
2.3 x 10^-10
3.2 x 10^-10
2.3 x 10^-12

Next, within each group having the same exponent, we compare the coefficients:

2.3 x 10^8
3.2 x 10^-10
2.3 x 10^-10
2.3 x 10^-12

Finally, we order them from greatest to least value:

2.3 x 10^8
3.2 x 10^-10
2.3 x 10^-10
2.3 x 10^-12

Therefore, the numbers in descending order are: 2.3 x 10^8, 3.2 x 10^-10, 2.3 x 10^-10, 2.3 x 10^-12.

janiya found that her playlist will play for 3.8 x 10^2 seconds, 6.3 x 10^5 minutes, 1.05 x 10^4 hours or 4.39814 x 10^2 days. which answer uses the most appropriate units?

Among the given options, the most appropriate units to represent the duration of Janiya's playlist is in days.

The option "4.39814 x 10^2 days" provides the duration in days, which is a more suitable unit for longer durations compared to seconds, minutes, or hours.

a national park covers an area of 1.42 x 10^6 acres. a nearby national forest covers an area of 1.2 x 10^6 acres. what is the total number of acres in the park and the forest combined?

To find the total number of acres in the park and forest combined, we need to add up their respective area values.

National Park area: 1.42 x 10^6 acres
National Forest area: 1.2 x 10^6 acres

Adding these two values together:

(1.42 x 10^6) + (1.2 x 10^6) = 2.62 x 10^6

Therefore, the total number of acres in the park and forest combined is 2.62 x 10^6 acres.

the distance from venus to the sun is about 67,000,000 miles. the distance from earth to the sun if about 2.6x10^7 farther. what is the distance from earth to the sun? write your answer in scientific notation to 1 decimal place