Digital Art, Quiz, Unit 3 Lesson 9-Flashcards

(15 questions)

After examining animated films over the past three decades, What would you MOST likely learn about the society that created them?
1. information about the religious culture of these societies.
2. the early history of animation in the later versions.
3. technological advancements and improvements in animation.
4. Nothing, since the principles of animation remain the same over time.

3. technological advancements and improvements in animation.

3. technological advancements and improvements in animation.

To answer this question, you need to examine the content, themes, and trends portrayed in animated films over the past three decades. Here's how you can go about it:

1. Conduct research: Start by researching and getting familiar with a range of animated films from different time periods and regions. Look for films that have been significant in terms of cultural impact, critical acclaim, and commercial success.

2. Watch and analyze: Watch a selection of animated films from the past three decades and pay attention to the themes, messages, and social commentary they present. Look for recurring patterns, societal norms, and cultural references.

3. Read reviews and critiques: Look for scholarly articles, reviews, and critiques that analyze animated films and their societal implications. These sources often provide insights into the cultural and societal influences reflected in the films.

4. Compare and contrast: Compare the themes, animation techniques, and storytelling approaches of animated films from different time periods within the past three decades. Identify any changes or advancements in these aspects and consider how they relate to societal and technological developments.

Based on this research process, the most likely conclusion about the society that created these animated films would be option 3: technological advancements and improvements in animation. Animated films have undergone major transformations in terms of visual effects, animation techniques, and storytelling capabilities, reflecting advancements in technology and societal demands.