What is note plush right side hat plus upside down hat equals what

The phrase "note plush right side hat plus upside down hat" does not form a coherent sentence or question. Could you please provide more context or clarify your query?

To clarify, are you asking for the result of combining a plush toy shaped like a note with a hat positioned on its right side, along with another hat positioned upside down?

To find the solution to the math equation "note plush right side hat plus upside down hat equals what", we need to break down the equation and understand the meaning of each term.

1. "Note plush" - Without further clarification, it is unclear what "note plush" refers to in mathematical terms. If it is an unknown variable, we cannot determine its value without additional information.

2. "Right side hat" - Again, "right side hat" is not a standard mathematical term. If it is another unknown variable or has a special meaning in a specific context, it needs to be defined.

3. "Upside down hat" - Similarly, "upside down hat" is not a recognized mathematical concept. If it represents a variable or has a specific meaning in a given context, we would need more information to proceed.

Without more information, it is not possible to find a solution or determine the value of the expression "note plush right side hat plus upside down hat equals what."