What is the missing exponent in the following equation?

(h^(450))/(h^(?))=h^(215) (1 point)

The missing exponent in the equation is (235).

To find the missing exponent in the equation `(h^(450))/(h^(?))=h^(215)`, we can use the property of exponents which states that when dividing terms with the same base, we subtract the exponents.

Since we are dividing `(h^(450))/(h^(?))`, the exponent of `h` in the numerator is 450, and in the denominator, it is `?`.

Using the exponent property, we have:

`h^(450)/(h^(?)) = h^(450 - ?)`

And since this is equal to `h^(215)`, we can equate the exponents:

`450 - ? = 215`

To solve for `?`, we can subtract 215 from both sides of the equation:

`450 - ? - 215 = 0`

Which simplifies to:

`235 - ? = 0`

To isolate `?`, we subtract 235 from both sides:

`? = 235`

Therefore, the missing exponent in the equation is `235`.

To find the missing exponent in the equation `(h^450)/(h^?)=h^215`, you can use the rules of exponentiation.

In this equation, both sides have the base `h`, so you can divide the exponents on the left-hand side.

`(h^450)/(h^?)` can be simplified by subtracting the exponents:

`h^(450 - ?) = h^215`

Now, you can see that the bases are the same on both sides. For the exponents to be equal, you need to set the exponents equal to each other:

450 - ? = 215

To solve for the missing exponent `?`, you need to isolate it. Start by subtracting 215 from both sides of the equation:

450 - 215 - ? = 0

Simplifying further:

235 - ? = 0

To isolate `?`, subtract 235 from both sides:

235 - ? - 235 = 0 - 235


-? = -235

Finally, to solve for `?`, multiply both sides by -1:

-(-?) = -235

? = 235

So, the missing exponent is 235.