Where is the sun located on Earth’s elliptical orbit?(1 point)


at the center of the two foci

at a focus

at the aphelium

at the perihelium

at a focus

The correct answer is: at a focus.

The correct answer is "at a focus." To understand why, let's go through the process.

1. Start by understanding the concept of an elliptical orbit. Earth's orbit around the Sun is not a perfect circle but an ellipse, meaning it has a slightly elongated shape.

2. Recall that an ellipse has two points called foci (plural for focus), which are located inside the ellipse. The foci are not symmetrically positioned, meaning they are not equally distant from the center of the ellipse.

3. The closer focus is called the "perifocus" or "perihelion," and the farther focus is called the "apofocus" or "aphelion."

4. Now, consider the position of the Sun in Earth's elliptical orbit. The Sun is always located at one of the foci of Earth's elliptical orbit.

5. However, it is important to note that Earth's orbit is not fixed, and it moves around the Sun throughout the year. Therefore, the Sun does not remain constantly at one fixed spot in the ellipse, but rather, it moves as Earth orbits around it.

So, to answer the question, the Sun is located at one of the foci of Earth's elliptical orbit.