Trey is running in a race. He has completed 14 of the race so far. He has already run 1.2 miles. How much more of the race does Trey have? Responses 0.3 miles 0.3 miles 5.2 miles 5.2 miles 1.6 miles 1.6 miles 4.8 miles

Trey has 5.2 miles more of the race to complete.

To determine how much more of the race Trey has, we need to subtract the distance he has already run from the total distance of the race.

Let's assume the total distance of the race is x miles.

Given that Trey has completed 14% of the race and has already run 1.2 miles, we can set up the following equation:

14% of x = 1.2

To solve for x, we can divide both sides of the equation by 14%:

x = 1.2 / 14% = 8.57 miles

Therefore, the total distance of the race is approximately 8.57 miles.

To find out how much more of the race Trey has, we subtract the distance Trey has already run (1.2 miles) from the total distance of the race:

8.57 - 1.2 = 7.37 miles

So, Trey has approximately 7.37 miles more to run in the race.

To determine how much more of the race Trey has left, we can subtract the distance he has already run from the total distance of the race.

Since Trey has completed 14% of the race and has already run 1.2 miles, we can calculate the total distance using the following equation:
Total Distance = Distance completed / Percentage of race completed

Total Distance = 1.2 miles / 14% = 1.2 / 0.14 = 8.5714 miles (approximately)

Now, to find out how much more of the race Trey has left, we can subtract the distance he has already run from the total distance:
Remaining Distance = Total Distance - Distance completed

Remaining Distance = 8.5714 miles - 1.2 miles = 7.3714 miles (approximately)

Therefore, Trey has approximately 7.3714 miles left in the race.

None of the provided responses (0.3 miles, 5.2 miles, 1.6 miles, and 4.8 miles) are correct.