Two pools are being drained. To start, the first pool had 3300 liters of water and the second pool had 3696 liters of water. Water is being drained from the first pool at a rate of 24 liters per minute. Water is being drained from the second pool at a rate of 35 liters per minute.

Let x be the number of minutes water has been drained.

In x minutes, the first pool will have 3300 - 24x liters of water left.

In x minutes, the second pool will have 3696 - 35x liters of water left.

Two pools are being drained. To start, the first pool had 3300 liters of water and the second pool had 3696 liters of water. Water is being drained from the first pool at a rate of 24 liters per minute. Water is being drained from the second pool at a rate of 35 liters per minute. Two pools are being drained. To start, the first pool had 3300 liters of water and the second pool had 3696 liters of water. Water is being drained from the first pool at a rate of 24 liters per minute. Water is being drained from the second pool at a rate of 35 liters per minute.

Let x be the number of minutes that water has been drained.

The amount of water remaining in the first pool after x minutes can be represented as 3300 - 24x liters.

The amount of water remaining in the second pool after x minutes can be represented as 3696 - 35x liters.

To find the number of minutes it takes to drain the pools completely, we need to set up two equations.

For the first pool:
Total water in the first pool = Initial water - Rate * Time
Pool 1(T) = 3300 - 24x

For the second pool:
Total water in the second pool = Initial water - Rate * Time
Pool 2(T) = 3696 - 35x

To find the number of minutes it takes to drain both pools completely, we need to solve for x when both pools are empty.
Pool 1(T) = 0
3300 - 24x = 0
-24x = -3300
x = 137.5

Pool 2(T) = 0
3696 - 35x = 0
-35x = -3696
x = 105.6

Therefore, it will take approximately 137.5 minutes to drain the first pool completely and approximately 105.6 minutes to drain the second pool completely.

To find the amount of water left in each pool after x minutes, we need to subtract the amount of water drained from the initial amount in each pool.

The amount of water left in the first pool after x minutes can be calculated using the formula:
Amount in first pool after x minutes = Initial amount in first pool - Rate of draining * x = 3300 - 24x liters

Similarly, the amount of water left in the second pool after x minutes can be calculated using the formula:
Amount in second pool after x minutes = Initial amount in second pool - Rate of draining * x = 3696 - 35x liters

Note that x represents the number of minutes water has been drained, so it is the time passed.

If you have a specific value for x, you can substitute it into these equations to find the amount of water left in each pool at that time.

For example, if x = 10, the amount of water left in the first pool would be:
Amount in first pool after 10 minutes = 3300 - 24 * 10 = 3300 - 240 = 3060 liters

And the amount of water left in the second pool would be:
Amount in second pool after 10 minutes = 3696 - 35 * 10 = 3696 - 350 = 3346 liters

By substituting values for x, you can find the amount of water left in each pool at any given time.