Which number line can you use to simplify 2 + (-8)?

You can use a number line that goes from 2 to the left with a distance of 8 units.

To simplify 2 + (-8), you can use a number line.

1. Start by drawing a horizontal line.
2. Mark a point on the line to represent the starting position, which is 2.
3. Move 8 units to the left on the number line since we have a negative 8.
4. Mark the new position, which is -6.
5. The simplified answer is -6.

To simplify 2 + (-8), we can use a number line to visualize the addition and help us determine the answer.

1. Draw a number line with zero (0) in the middle.
2. Mark the positive numbers to the right of zero.
3. Mark the negative numbers to the left of zero.

Now, let's plot the numbers 2 and -8 on the number line:

Start at zero (0) and move 2 units to the right. This takes you to the number 2.

Next, start at zero (0) and move 8 units to the left. This takes you to the number -8.

To find the sum, we add the value of 2 to the value of -8 on the number line. Starting at 2, move 8 units to the left, ending up at -6.

Therefore, the simplified answer is 2 + (-8) = -6.