In a molecule of lithium sulfide, there are two atoms of lithium and one atom of sulfur. Which statement about lithium sulfide is correct? (1 point)

a The chemical formula for lithium sulfide is LiSz:
b Both lithium and sulfur form positive ions.
c A molecular model of lithium sulfide would have two spheres.
d The atoms in lithium sulfide are held together by bonds.

d The atoms in lithium sulfide are held together by bonds.

d The atoms in lithium sulfide are held together by bonds.

The correct statement about lithium sulfide is:

d The atoms in lithium sulfide are held together by bonds.

To understand why this statement is correct, let's break it down:

Lithium sulfide (Li2S) is an ionic compound. In ionic compounds, atoms of different elements transfer electrons between them to achieve a stable electron configuration. In the case of lithium sulfide, lithium atoms donate one electron each to the sulfur atom.

As a result of this electron transfer, the lithium atoms lose one electron each and become positively charged ions (Li+), while the sulfur atom gains two electrons and becomes a negatively charged ion (S2-).

The opposite charges of the ions attract each other, forming electrostatic bonds between them. These bonds hold the atoms together in a crystal lattice structure. Therefore, the atoms in lithium sulfide are held together by bonds.

So, option d is the correct statement as it correctly describes the bonding between the atoms in lithium sulfide.