Alex,hans and stan savèd up some money to buy a tent fir camping trip. Sran saved 60% of the price . Alex saved 40% of what was left of the price and Hans share of the prics was €30. What was the price of the tent?

Let's call the price of the tent "x".

Since Stan saved 60% of the price, this means he saved 0.6x.
Hans saved €30, so the amount left after Stan's savings and Hans' savings is (x - (0.6x + €30)).
Alex saved 40% of what was left, so he saved 0.4(x - (0.6x + €30)).
Therefore, the equation is:

0.4(x - (0.6x + €30)) = €30

Let's solve for x:
0.4(x - 0.6x - €30) = €30
0.4(-0.2x - €30) = €30
-0.08x - €12 = €30
-0.08x = €42
x = €42 / -0.08
x = -525

Since the price of the tent cannot be negative, there must have been an error in the calculation. Please double-check the question.

Let's calculate step-by-step.

Step 1: Let's assume the price of the tent is represented by "x".

Step 2: Stan saved 60% of the price, which means he saved 0.60x.

Step 3: The remaining amount after Stan's savings is (1 - 0.60)x, which simplifies to 0.40x.

Step 4: Alex saved 40% of what was left, which is 0.40 * 0.40x = 0.16x.

Step 5: Hans's share of the price is €30.

Step 6: The total amount saved is Stan's savings + Alex's savings + Hans's share = 0.60x + 0.16x + 30.

Step 7: According to the problem, the total amount saved is equal to the price of the tent, so we can set up the equation:
0.60x + 0.16x + 30 = x.

Step 8: Let's solve the equation:
0.60x + 0.16x + 30 - x = 0,
0.76x + 30 - x = 0,
0.76x - x = -30,
-0.24x = -30,
x = (-30) / (-0.24),
x ≈ 125.

Therefore, the price of the tent is approximately €125.

To solve this problem, we need to work backwards. Let's start with the information given about Hans. We know that Hans paid €30 for his share of the price.

Now, let's figure out how much money is left after Hans paid his share. We know that Hans saved 60% of the price and Alex saved 40% of what was left. Therefore, 100% - 60% - 40% = 0%. This means that nothing was left after Hans and Alex saved their money.

Since nothing was left after Hans saved €30, we can conclude that the price of the tent was €30.