What is the importance of self-awareness and mindfulness in technology use? 

choose one best answer from the options below

To mindlessly consume content without any intentionality 

To become detached from reality and lose touch with personal goals 

To cultivate a balanced and intentional relationship with technology 

To maximise screen time and engage in addictive behaviours

To neglect responsibilities and relationships due to excessive use 

To cultivate a balanced and intentional relationship with technology 

The best answer is: To cultivate a balanced and intentional relationship with technology.

The best answer is: To cultivate a balanced and intentional relationship with technology.

Self-awareness and mindfulness are important in technology use because they help us to develop a healthy and balanced relationship with technology. By being self-aware, we can understand how technology affects us mentally, emotionally, and physically. We can recognize when we are mindlessly consuming content without any intentionality or engaging in addictive behaviors. Mindfulness allows us to be fully present and consciously choose how we interact with technology, rather than becoming detached from reality and losing touch with our personal goals. By cultivating a balanced and intentional relationship with technology, we can avoid neglecting our responsibilities and relationships due to excessive use.