Which of the following are good indicators that an online source is reliable? Select all the options that apply.  

The author tells you that the information is reliable.   

The author provides their credentials, affiliation and contact information.   

The author relies mainly on their own observations and conveys their message through emotive language.  

The author supports their viewpoint by referring to evidence from other authorities on the subject. 

The author provides their credentials, affiliation and contact information.   

The author supports their viewpoint by referring to evidence from other authorities on the subject. 

The correct options are:

- The author provides their credentials, affiliation and contact information.
- The author supports their viewpoint by referring to evidence from other authorities on the subject.

These indicators suggest that the online source is reliable as it demonstrates transparency and credibility of the author.

The two options that are good indicators that an online source is reliable are:

1. The author provides their credentials, affiliation, and contact information: When the author provides information about their expertise, professional affiliations, and contact information, it increases the credibility and accountability of the source. It allows readers to verify the author's qualifications and potential biases.

2. The author supports their viewpoint by referring to evidence from other authorities on the subject: When the author cites evidence from other credible sources, it demonstrates that they have done thorough research and are basing their claims on reliable information. This helps establish the credibility and reliability of the source.

To determine the reliability of an online source, it is crucial to consider additional factors. These can include evaluating the website's domain (whether it is reputable and trustworthy), examining the overall credibility and reputation of the author or organization, and cross-referencing information from multiple reliable sources to ensure consistency and accuracy. It is also important to critically evaluate the objectivity, bias, and potential conflicts of interest present in the source. Assessing these factors collectively can further help in determining the reliability of an online source.