What is the risk of not choosing a strong, secure password for your cloud service?

choose from the answers below

Unscrupulous hackers might gain access to your data

You might not be able to access your data

You might accidentally delete your data

Your data might not be backed up properly

Unscrupulous hackers might gain access to your data

What is one advantage of cloud storage?

choose from the options below

You have to copy material to a disc or hard drive to back up your computer

It allows you to print documents from your mobile or tablet on your home printer

There is no authentication or password required for security

It increases your carbon footprint

You have to copy material to a disc or hard drive to back up your computer

The risk of not choosing a strong, secure password for your cloud service is:

- Unscrupulous hackers might gain access to your data

The risk of not choosing a strong, secure password for your cloud service is that unscrupulous hackers might gain access to your data. To understand why this is a risk, it's important to know what makes a password strong and secure. A strong password typically includes a combination of upper and lower case letters, numbers, and special characters. It is also long enough to be hard to guess or crack through various methods like brute force attacks.

If you choose a weak or easily guessable password, hackers can use techniques like dictionary attacks or social engineering to gain unauthorized access to your cloud service account. Once they have access, they can potentially view, steal, or manipulate your sensitive data.

To mitigate this risk, it is recommended to choose a strong, unique password for every online account, including your cloud service. Additionally, using two-factor authentication (2FA) adds an extra layer of security by requiring a second form of verification, such as a temporary code sent to your mobile device, in addition to your password.

So, one of the risks of not choosing a strong, secure password for your cloud service is the potential for unscrupulous hackers to gain access to your data.