According to the digital safety and security, how can you tell if a website is secure? Select all that apply from the options below.

Secure websites may have a padlock in the address bar   

The URL of secure websites typically begin with a url

The colour scheme of a website can indicate if it's secure or not.

Secure website addresses are usually spelt correctly   

Secure websites may have flashing ads on the page.

Secure websites may have a padlock in the address bar and the URL of secure websites typically begin with a URL.

From the options provided, the correct answers are:

- Secure websites may have a padlock in the address bar
- The URL of secure websites typically begin with a URL

The options provided are:

1) Secure websites may have a padlock in the address bar
2) The URL of secure websites typically begin with a URL
3) The color scheme of a website can indicate if it's secure or not
4) Secure website addresses are usually spelled correctly
5) Secure websites may have flashing ads on the page

To determine if a website is secure, you should consider the following options:

1) Secure websites may have a padlock in the address bar: This is generally true. Secure websites often display a padlock icon in the address bar of your web browser to indicate that the connection between your device and the website is encrypted.

2) The URL of secure websites typically begin with a URL: This option is incorrect or incomplete. The URL (Uniform Resource Locator) of secure websites typically begins with "https://" rather than just "url." The "https" indicates that the website has implemented encryption for secure communication.

3) The color scheme of a website can indicate if it's secure or not: This option is incorrect. The color scheme alone does not indicate if a website is secure or not. Website design and color schemes are independent of security measures.

4) Secure website addresses are usually spelled correctly: This option is generally true. Secure website addresses are typically spelled correctly, but it is not a foolproof indicator. Scammers may create websites with URLs similar to legitimate ones, so it's essential to check for other security indicators as well.

5) Secure websites may have flashing ads on the page: This option is incorrect. The presence of flashing ads on a website is unrelated to its security status. Ads can be found on both secure and insecure websites.

In summary, the correct options to determine if a website is secure are:
- Secure websites may have a padlock in the address bar
- The URL of secure websites typically begins with "https://" rather than just "url"
- Secure website addresses are usually spelled correctly, although this is not a foolproof indicator