Wyatt has worked at the same company for six years and earns $1,057.70 per week. He has used all his sick days, but has not yet taken 10 of the vacation days that he has earned. If he leaves the job today, how much money will be added to his final paycheck on top of his pay for his last week of work?


To calculate the amount of money that will be added to Wyatt's final paycheck on top of his pay for his last week of work, we need to know his rate of pay for unused vacation days.

Since it is not provided, we cannot determine the exact amount of money that will be added to Wyatt's final paycheck.

To calculate the amount of money that will be added to Wyatt's final paycheck on top of his pay for his last week of work, we need to consider two things: unused vacation days and sick days.

Since Wyatt has not yet taken 10 vacation days, he will be compensated for these days. However, sick days are generally not paid out upon leaving a job.

To calculate the amount for unused vacation days, we need to multiply the number of unused vacation days by Wyatt's daily wage. Since he earns $1,057.70 per week, we can calculate his daily wage by dividing his weekly wage by the number of working days in a week (typically 5).

Weekly wage: $1,057.70
Daily wage: $1,057.70 / 5 = $211.54 (rounded to two decimal places)

Unused vacation days: 10
Amount for unused vacation days: $211.54 x 10 = $2,115.40

Therefore, the correct answer is $2,115.40.

To calculate how much money will be added to Wyatt's final paycheck on top of his pay for his last week of work, we need to figure out the value of the unused vacation days.

Given that Wyatt has not yet taken 10 vacation days, we can calculate the value of these days based on his weekly earning, which is $1,057.70.

First, we need to know how much Wyatt earns for a day of work. To do this, we divide his weekly earning by the number of working days in a week. Assuming a standard 5-day workweek, this gives us:

$1,057.70 / 5 = $211.54 per day

Now, we can calculate the value of the unused vacation days by multiplying the daily earning by the number of unused vacation days:

$211.54 * 10 = $2,115.40

Therefore, if Wyatt leaves the job today, $2,115.40 will be added to his final paycheck on top of his pay for his last week of work.

So, the correct answer is $2,115.40.