What is the function of the Domain Name System (DNS)?(3 points)


To assign a unique domain name to every computer.

To make sure that each IP address has only one corresponding domain name.

To sell websites to developers.

To translate domain names into IP addresses.

- To translate domain names into IP addresses: The primary function of DNS is to convert human-readable domain names (such as www.example.com) into the corresponding IP addresses (such as that computers use to identify and communicate with each other over the internet.

- To assign a unique domain name to every computer: DNS helps ensure that each computer or device on a network has a unique domain name that can be easily accessed and identified by users.
- To make sure that each IP address has only one corresponding domain name: DNS helps in maintaining the integrity and consistency of the internet by ensuring that each IP address is associated with only one domain name, avoiding conflicts or confusion.

The function of the Domain Name System (DNS) can be summarized as follows:

1. To assign a unique domain name to every computer: DNS allows the assignment of unique domain names to computers or devices connected to the Internet. This facilitates easy identification and communication between different devices.

2. To make sure that each IP address has only one corresponding domain name: DNS ensures that each IP address has a unique domain name associated with it. This helps in maintaining the consistency and accuracy of the domain name system.

3. To translate domain names into IP addresses: One of the primary functions of DNS is to translate human-readable domain names into numerical IP addresses that computers and networks use to locate and communicate with each other. This translation process, known as DNS resolution, allows users to access websites and services using easy-to-remember domain names instead of complex IP addresses.

It is worth noting that selling websites to developers is not a function of DNS. DNS is a critical infrastructure service provided by various organizations to facilitate the translation and management of domain names.

The correct answer is: To translate domain names into IP addresses.

1. The DNS (Domain Name System) is responsible for converting human-readable domain names (such as www.example.com) into machine-readable IP addresses (such as This translation is necessary because computers communicate with each other using IP addresses, not domain names.

2. To find the IP address corresponding to a domain name, the DNS follows a hierarchical structure. When you enter a domain name in a web browser, the DNS server checks its database to see if it already has the IP address for that domain name. If it doesn't, the DNS server will then contact other DNS servers up the hierarchy until it finds the IP address associated with the domain name.

3. By translating domain names into IP addresses, the DNS enables computers to establish connections and communicate with each other over the internet. This translation process happens behind the scenes and allows users to access websites by simply typing in the domain name instead of the IP address.

Note: The other responses you provided are incorrect. The DNS does not assign unique domain names to computers nor does it ensure that each IP address has only one corresponding domain name. Additionally, the DNS does not sell websites to developers. Its primary function is to translate domain names into IP addresses for internet communication.