Which graph represents the relationship between final velocity of a dropped baseball, before striking the ground, and the starting height of the baseball?

The graph that represents the relationship between the final velocity of a dropped baseball and the starting height of the baseball would be a parabolic graph. As the starting height increases, the final velocity of the baseball also increases until it reaches its maximum value. After that, if the starting height continues to increase, the final velocity of the baseball remains constant.

The picture shows a baseball moving through the air after it is thrown. Which graph shows how the kinetic energy (KE) and potential energy (PE) of the baseball changes as it moves?

Unfortunately, you did not provide any picture. However, the relationship between kinetic energy (KE) and potential energy (PE) of the baseball can be represented by the following graph:

- At the beginning of the motion, when the baseball is at its highest point, the potential energy is at its maximum value (PEmax) and the kinetic energy is at its minimum value (KEmax).
- As the baseball starts to move downward, the potential energy decreases while the kinetic energy increases. This relationship is represented by a continuous and proportional decrease in potential energy and a continuous and proportional increase in kinetic energy.
- At the lowest point of the motion, when the baseball is closest to the ground, the potential energy is at its minimum value (PEmin) and the kinetic energy is at its maximum value (KEmax).
- As the baseball starts to move upward again, the potential energy starts to increase while the kinetic energy starts to decrease. This relationship is represented by a continuous and proportional increase in potential energy and a continuous and proportional decrease in kinetic energy.
- At the end of the motion, when the baseball reaches its highest point again, the potential energy is at its maximum value (PEmax) and the kinetic energy is at its minimum value (KEmax), similar to the beginning of the motion.

Overall, the graph of potential energy (PE) and kinetic energy (KE) as the baseball moves would be a sinusoidal waveform, as the energy interchanges between potential and kinetic energy at each point of the motion.

If you are at an amusement park and you ride a slingshot, how does your potential energy compare to your kinetic energy at the top of the shot? (1 point) Responses The kinetic energy is twice the amount of potential energy. The kinetic energy is twice the amount of potential energy. The kinetic energy and potential energy are the same. The kinetic energy and potential energy are the same. The kinetic energy is less than potential energy. The kinetic energy is less than potential energy. Kinetic energy is greater than potential energy.

The correct response is: The kinetic energy is less than potential energy.

If you are at an amusement park and you ride a slingshot, how does your potential energy compare to your kinetic energy at the top of the shot? (1 point) Responses The kinetic energy is twice the amount of potential energy. The kinetic energy is twice the amount of potential energy. The kinetic energy and potential energy are the same. The kinetic energy and potential energy are the same. The kinetic energy is less than potential energy. The kinetic energy is less than potential energy. Kinetic energy is greater than potential energy.

To determine the graph that represents the relationship between the final velocity of a dropped baseball and the starting height, we must first understand the concepts involved.

The final velocity of a dropped object refers to the speed at which it is moving just before it strikes the ground. The starting height refers to the initial vertical distance from which the object is dropped.

Considering this, we can analyze the physical principles involved to determine the relationship:

1. Gravitational Potential Energy: The potential energy of an object is given by the equation PE = mgh, where m is the mass, g is the acceleration due to gravity, and h is the height. As the starting height increases, the potential energy of the baseball also increases.

2. Conservation of Energy: According to the law of conservation of energy, the total energy of a system remains constant. When the baseball is dropped from a certain height, its potential energy is converted into kinetic energy as it falls. Kinetic energy is given by the equation KE = 0.5mv^2, where m is the mass and v is the velocity. As the potential energy decreases, the kinetic energy (and therefore velocity) increases.

Based on these principles, we can conclude that as the starting height increases, the final velocity of the dropped baseball also increases.

Therefore, the graph that represents this relationship is a line that rises from left to right, indicating an increasing trend. The x-axis represents the starting height (h) of the baseball, and the y-axis represents the final velocity (v) of the baseball.