Write 0.1 as a fraction

0.1 can be written as 1/10.

Write 0.7 as a fraction

0.7 can be written as 7/10.

Write 0.6 as fraction

0.6 can be written as 6/10 or simplified to 3/5.

Write 0.75 as fraction

0.75 can be written as 3/4.

Write 0.8 as fraction

0.8 can be written as 4/5.

Write 0.41 as fraction

0.41 can be written as 41/100.

Write 0.5 as a fraction

0.5 can be written as 1/2.

Write 0.3875 as a fraction

0.3875 can be written as 155/400.

Evaluate -4 and 2 =

The expression -4 and 2 does not have a clear mathematical meaning. It seems like it might be a combination of subtraction and addition, but without further clarification or context, it is not possible to evaluate it.

Evaluate -4 2 =

The expression -4 2 is ambiguous and does not have a clear mathematical meaning. It could be interpreted in different ways depending on the intended operation. It is important to use proper notation or provide more context to accurately evaluate an expression.

Evaluate -4 exponent 2 =

To evaluate -4 raised to the exponent 2, we need to calculate (-4)².

(-4)² = (-4) × (-4) = 16

Therefore, -4 exponent 2 is equal to 16.

Evaluate (-2) exponent 3=

To evaluate (-2) raised to the exponent 3, we need to calculate (-2)³.

(-2)³ = (-2) × (-2) × (-2) = -8

Therefore, (-2) exponent 3 is equal to -8.

Evaluate (-4) exponent 3=

To evaluate (-4) raised to the exponent 3, we need to calculate (-4)³.

(-4)³ = (-4) × (-4) × (-4) = -64

Therefore, (-4) exponent 3 is equal to -64.

Evaluate -1 exponent 2=

To evaluate -1 raised to the exponent 2, we calculate (-1)².

(-1)² = (-1) × (-1) = 1

Therefore, -1 exponent 2 is equal to 1.

Evaluate - 1 exponent 3=

To evaluate -1 raised to the exponent 3, we calculate (-1)³.

(-1)³ = (-1) × (-1) × (-1) = -1

Therefore, -1 exponent 3 is equal to -1.

Evaluate (-3) exponent =

I apologize, but it seems like there is a missing value for the exponent in your input. Could you please provide the value of the exponent so that I can accurately evaluate the expression?

Evaluate (-3) exponent 2=

To evaluate (-3) raised to the exponent 2, we calculate (-3)².

(-3)² = (-3) × (-3) = 9

Therefore, (-3) exponent 2 is equal to 9.

Evaluate (-2) exponent =

I apologize, but it seems like there is another missing value for the exponent in your input. Could you please provide the value of the exponent so that I can accurately evaluate the expression?

Evaluate (-2) exponent 2 =

To evaluate (-2) raised to the exponent 2, we calculate (-2)².

(-2)² = (-2) × (-2) = 4

Therefore, (-2) exponent 2 is equal to 4.

Evaluate -3 exponent 3 =

To evaluate -3 raised to the exponent 3, we calculate (-3)³.

(-3)³ = (-3) × (-3) × (-3) = -27

Therefore, -3 exponent 3 is equal to -27.

Evaluate- -4 exponent 2 =

To evaluate -(-4) raised to the exponent 2, we simplify the expression inside the parentheses first, performing the negation.

-(-4) = +4

Now we can calculate (+4)²:

(+4)² = 4 × 4 = 16

Therefore, -(-4) exponent 2 is equal to 16.

Evaluate -3 exponent 2 =

To evaluate -3 raised to the exponent 2, we calculate (-3)².

(-3)² = (-3) × (-3) = 9

Therefore, -3 exponent 2 is equal to 9.

Evaluate (-1) exponent 3 =

To evaluate (-1) raised to the exponent 3, we calculate (-1)³.

(-1)³ = (-1) × (-1) × (-1) = -1

Therefore, (-1) exponent 3 is equal to -1.

Evaluate (-3) exponent 3 =

To evaluate (-3) raised to the exponent 3, we calculate (-3)³.

(-3)³ = (-3) × (-3) × (-3) = -27

Therefore, (-3) exponent 3 is equal to -27.

Evaluate -4 exponent 3 =

To evaluate -4 raised to the exponent 3, we calculate (-4)³.

(-4)³ = (-4) × (-4) × (-4) = -64

Therefore, -4 exponent 3 is equal to -64.

Evaluate (-2) exponent 2  =

To evaluate (-2) raised to the exponent 2, we calculate (-2)².

(-2)² = (-2) × (-2) = 4

Therefore, (-2) exponent 2 is equal to 4.