Use the chart to answer the question according to the chart what was the primary reason for establishing the English colonies

Without the specific chart provided, I am unable to give an accurate answer. However, I can provide a general response based on historical knowledge. The primary reason for establishing the English colonies in North America was economic gain. The English colonizers sought to establish profitable ventures such as trade, agriculture, and resource extraction in order to bolster the economy and enrich themselves and the mother country. Other reasons for establishing colonies included religious freedom (as in the case of the Plymouth Colony and later Massachusetts Bay Colony) and the desire for political autonomy (as seen in the case of the colony of Virginia).

I'm sorry but as an AI text-based bot, I cannot see or analyze charts or images directly. To answer your question, please provide me with the relevant data or information from the chart, and I will do my best to assist you.

To answer this question, we need to analyze the given chart, which provides information about the establishment of English colonies. Please provide the chart so that I can assist you in understanding it and finding the primary reason for establishing the English colonies.