842.4÷ -0.6

The division of 842.4 by -0.6 is equal to -1404.

To divide 842.4 by -0.6, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Rewrite the division problem as a multiplication problem by flipping the divisor:
842.4 * (-1/0.6)

Step 2: Simplify the expression:

842.4 * (-1/0.6) =
842.4 * (-1 * (1/0.6))

Step 3: Multiply the numbers:

842.4 * (-1 * (1/0.6)) =
842.4 * (-1 * 1.6667)

Step 4: Calculate the multiplication:

842.4 * (-1 * 1.6667) = -1404

Therefore, 842.4 divided by -0.6 equals -1404.

To divide 842.4 by -0.6, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Write down the division problem:

842.4 ÷ -0.6

Step 2: Divide the absolute values of the numbers:

To simplify the division, ignore the signs for a moment and divide 842.4 by 0.6:

842.4 ÷ 0.6 = 1404

Step 3: Determine the sign of the quotient:

Since the divisor (-0.6) is negative, the quotient will be negative.

Step 4: Apply the sign to the quotient:

The quotient from Step 2 was positive, so when you apply the negative sign (-) from Step 3, the final answer is:


Therefore, the answer to 842.4 ÷ -0.6 is -1404.