Felicity pays 12% tax on a monthly income of $2715.

What is the best estimate of the tax she pays?


0.10 × 2000 = $200
0.10 × 2000 = $200

0.10 × 3000 = $300
0.10 × 3000 = $300

0.20 × 2000 = $400
0.20 × 2000 = $400

0.20 × 3000 = $600

The best estimate of the tax she pays is $300.

To find the best estimate of the tax Felicity pays, we need to calculate 12% of her monthly income.

12% of $2715 can be calculated by multiplying $2715 by 0.12.

0.12 × $2715 = $325.80

Since the given options only include whole numbers for the estimates, the best estimate of the tax Felicity pays would be $300 (0.10 × $3000) from the available choices.

To calculate the best estimate of the tax Felicity pays, we need to find 12% of her monthly income of $2715.

To calculate a percentage of a value, we can multiply the value by the decimal form of the percentage. In this case, we want to find 12% of $2715.

Step 1: Convert the percentage to a decimal by dividing it by 100:
12% ÷ 100 = 0.12

Step 2: Multiply the decimal form of the percentage by the value:
0.12 × $2715 = $325.80

Therefore, the best estimate of the tax Felicity pays is $325.80.

Looking at the given responses, none of the options match the calculated amount.