Choose the statement that best explores what drives the processes of plate tectonics.(1 point) Responses The sun drives the processes of plate tectonics. The sun drives the processes of plate tectonics. Volcanoes drive the processes of plate tectonics. Volcanoes drive the processes of plate tectonics. Earth’s internal energy drives the processes of plate tectonics. Earth’s internal energy drives the processes of plate tectonics. Earthquakes drive the processes of plate tectonics.

Earth’s internal energy drives the processes of plate tectonics.

The statement "Earth’s internal energy drives the processes of plate tectonics" best explores what drives the processes of plate tectonics.

The statement that best explores what drives the processes of plate tectonics is: Earth's internal energy drives the processes of plate tectonics.

Plate tectonics is driven by the movement and interaction of Earth's tectonic plates, which make up the Earth's lithosphere. Earth's internal energy refers to the heat generated from the radioactive decay of elements within the Earth's mantle and core. This heat drives convective currents within the mantle, causing the movement and shifting of the tectonic plates at the Earth's surface. These processes include seafloor spreading, subduction (where one plate sinks beneath another), and the formation of mountains and geological features.

While the sun does have an influence on Earth's overall climate and weather patterns, it does not directly drive plate tectonics. Similarly, volcanoes and earthquakes are consequences of plate tectonics, but they do not drive the processes themselves. Instead, the movement of the tectonic plates is primarily powered by the energy generated from Earth's internal heat.