Find the GCF of 15q+6.

To find the greatest common factor (GCF) of 15q+6, we need to break down each term into its prime factors.

15q can be written as 3 * 5 * q.

6 can be written as 2 * 3.

Now, let's compare the factors.

The factors of 3 * 5 * q are 3, 5, and q.

The factors of 2 * 3 are 2 and 3.

The only common factor is 3.

Therefore, the GCF of 15q+6 is 3.

what is the answer

The GCF of 15q+6 is 3.

To find the greatest common factor (GCF) of 15q+6, we need to factor out the common factors of the terms. Let's start by factoring out the GCF of the coefficients, which is 3:

15q + 6 = 3(5q + 2)

Now, let's examine the expression inside the parentheses, 5q + 2. There are no common factors we can factor out other than 1.

Therefore, the GCF of 15q + 6 is 3.

To find the greatest common factor (GCF) of an expression, we need to factor it completely and then identify the common factors. In this case, we have the expression 15q+6.

Step 1: Factor out the common factors.
In this expression, both terms have a common factor of 3.

15q + 6 = 3(5q + 2)

Step 2: Simplify the expression.
Now we have factored out the common factor of 3, and we are left with the simplified expression 5q + 2.

Step 3: Identify the GCF.
Since the expression 5q + 2 does not have any other common factors, the GCF of 15q + 6 is 3.

Therefore, the GCF of 15q + 6 is 3.