Which type of evidence uses the viewpoint of someone with authority on a topic?(1 point)Responsestrue exampletrue exampleanecdoteanecdotedatadataexpert


The type of evidence that uses the viewpoint of someone with authority on a topic is an EXPERT.

The type of evidence that uses the viewpoint of someone with authority on a topic is an expert opinion. An expert is someone who has extensive knowledge, experience, or qualifications in a particular field. When an expert provides their viewpoint or analysis on a topic, it can be considered as valuable evidence because they have specialized knowledge and credibility in that subject matter.

To find evidence from an expert, you can follow these steps:

1. Identify the topic or subject that you are researching.
2. Make a list of keywords related to your topic, such as "expert opinion," "authority," or specific terms related to the subject.
3. Use an online search engine or academic databases to search for articles, research papers, or publications that discuss or include expert opinions on the topic. You can use specific search operators like "expert opinion + [your topic]" to narrow down the results.
4. Evaluate the credibility of the source and the author. Check if the expert has relevant qualifications, experience, or is affiliated with reputable organizations in the field.
5. Make sure that the expert's viewpoint aligns with the purpose and scope of your research.
6. Cite the expert opinion in your work, providing proper attribution to the source.

By following these steps, you can find and use evidence from experts to support your argument or research.