What statement best describes the process used by the Supreme Court to issue an opinion? (1 point)

A select group of Supreme Court justices will hear oral arguments and decide whether the case should be heard by all the justices before accepting to review the case.
• The Supreme Court justices listen to briefs and oral arguments from both sides and will publicly debate the case to vote and decide on their final opinion.

A single Supreme Court justice will review briefs, listen to oral arguments, and decide on the outcome of a case before issuing the final opinion.
The Supreme Court receives briefs and oral arguments from both sides before justices privately review the case and

The correct statement is: The Supreme Court justices listen to briefs and oral arguments from both sides and will publicly debate the case to vote and decide on their final opinion.

A minimum of five justice votes must be included for what type of opinion to be issued

1. Per Curiam opinion

2. Concurrent opinion

3. dissenting opinion

4. Majority Opinion

4. Majority Opinion

Which best describes a process used by the Supreme Court to grant a writ of certiorari

1. The court must review all cases were a review is requested
2. a anonymous vote by the justice grants a review of the case
3. a vote of four justices can grant a review of the case
4. A majority vote of five justices requires a review of the case.

The correct answer is: 3. A vote of four justices can grant a review of the case.

What type of jurisdiction gives the Supreme Court the authority to grant a writ of certiorari

1. Rule 10

2. original jurisdiction

3. Appellate jurisdiction

4. Appellate and original jurisdiction

The correct answer is: 4. Appellate and original jurisdiction.