What was the purpose of the preamble to the Declaration of Independence? AKS 33b

5 points
to outline the form and responsibilities of each branch of the new independent government
to establish the right of the people to overthrow a government that takes away their natural rights
to describe in detail the ways that the colonists felt they had been abused by the King of England
to formally express the intention of the Thirteen Colonies to declare their independence from England

The purpose of the preamble to the Declaration of Independence was to formally express the intention of the Thirteen Colonies to declare their independence from England.

The purpose of the preamble to the Declaration of Independence was to formally express the intention of the Thirteen Colonies to declare their independence from England.

The purpose of the preamble to the Declaration of Independence was to formally express the intention of the Thirteen Colonies to declare their independence from England. It served as an introduction to the main body of the document, outlining the reasons why the colonies believed it was necessary to break away from British rule.

To get this answer, one can analyze the text of the Declaration of Independence. By reading and examining the preamble, it becomes clear that its purpose is to declare the intention of the colonies to separate from England. The preamble starts with the famous phrase "When in the Course of human events..." and goes on to state that it is necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands that connect them to another.

By understanding the historical context of the American Revolution, including the grievances of the colonies and their desire for independence, one can also identify the purpose of the preamble. The colonists were seeking to establish their own independent government and break away from the rule of the English monarchy, as outlined in the Declaration of Independence.

Therefore, the correct answer is: to formally express the intention of the Thirteen Colonies to declare their independence from England.