
What is average (middle) in amount, intensity, quality, or degree?





The average (middle) in amount, intensity, quality, or degree is 'moderate'.

Average (middle) in amount, intensity, quality, or degree refers to the concept of being moderate.

A biome is a large geographical area with distinct climate, plants, and animal species.

Reverse means to change the direction or order of something.

The tropics refer to the region of the Earth near the equator, characterized by a hot and humid climate.

To find the answer to your question, let's begin by discussing each term individually:

1. Moderate: The term "moderate" refers to an average or middle value in terms of amount, intensity, quality, or degree. It represents a balanced or medium level rather than an extreme or excessive one.

2. Biome: A biome is a large geographical area characterized by a specific set of climate conditions, ecosystems, and plant and animal communities. Biomes are typically defined by factors such as temperature, precipitation, and dominant vegetation.

3. Reverse: When referring to direction, "reverse" means to go or move backward or in the opposite direction. It implies a reversal of the regular or expected order.

4. Tropics: The tropics, also known as the tropical zone, are the regions of Earth that lie between the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn. These areas are characterized by warm or hot climates, abundant rainfall, and high biodiversity.

Now that we understand the definitions of these terms, we can see that the answer to your question is "moderate," as it specifically corresponds to the concept of being average or middle in terms of amount, intensity, quality, or degree.