The distance traveled at a constant speed is directly proportional to the time of travel. If olivia traveled 306 miles in 8.5 hours how man miles will olivia travel in 9.1 hours at the same constant speed

To find the number of miles Olivia will travel in 9.1 hours at the same constant speed, we can set up a proportion:

306 miles / 8.5 hours = x miles / 9.1 hours

Cross multiplying, we get:

8.5 hours * x miles = 306 miles * 9.1 hours

Multiplying, we get:

8.5x = 2784.6

Dividing both sides by 8.5, we get:

x = 327

Therefore, Olivia will travel 327 miles in 9.1 hours at the same constant speed.

To find out how many miles Olivia will travel in 9.1 hours at the same constant speed, we can set up a proportion using the concept of direct variation.

Let "x" represent the unknown distance Olivia will travel in 9.1 hours.

The proportion can be set up as:

306 miles / 8.5 hours = x miles / 9.1 hours

To solve for x, we can cross multiply:

(306 miles) * (9.1 hours) = (8.5 hours) * x miles

2774.6 miles = 8.5x

Next, we can isolate x by dividing both sides of the equation by 8.5:

2774.6 miles / 8.5 = x

x ≈ 326.36 miles

Therefore, Olivia will travel approximately 326.36 miles in 9.1 hours at the same constant speed.

To determine how many miles Olivia will travel in 9.1 hours at the same constant speed, we can use the concept of direct proportionality between distance and time.

Let's set up a proportion to solve for the unknown distance traveled in 9.1 hours. We know that the distance traveled is directly proportional to the time traveled, so we can write the proportion as:

Distance 1 / Time 1 = Distance 2 / Time 2

Using the given information, we can plug in the known values:

306 miles / 8.5 hours = Distance 2 / 9.1 hours

Now, we can solve for Distance 2 by cross-multiplying:

(306 miles) * (9.1 hours) = (8.5 hours) * Distance 2

2779.6 miles = 8.5 hours * Distance 2

To isolate Distance 2, we divide both sides of the equation by 8.5 hours:

Distance 2 = 2779.6 miles / 8.5 hours

Simplifying the calculation:

Distance 2 ≈ 326.94 miles

Therefore, Olivia will travel approximately 326.94 miles in 9.1 hours at the same constant speed.