Add −127+(314). Write your answer as a reduced improper fraction.(1 point)

give me an actual answer please.

thats wrong

its not 187

can we get an actual HUMAN to answer this please. bot is no help.

Add −127+(314)

. Write your answer as a reduced improper fraction.(1 point)

To write the answer as a reduced improper fraction, we need to convert the mixed number format to an improper fraction.

-127 + 314 = 187

Therefore, as an improper fraction, the answer is 187/1.

wth that doesn't even make any since

Apologies for the confusion. Let's approach the problem differently.

To add -127 and 314, we can write them as fractions with the same denominator:

-127 = -127/1
314 = 314/1

Now, we can add the fractions:

-127/1 + 314/1 = (314 - 127)/1 = 187/1

So, the answer as a reduced improper fraction is 187/1.

-127 + 314 = 187

Apologies for the mistake. Let's try again:

-127 + 314 = 187

Therefore, the answer is 187.

Apologies for the confusion. Let's calculate again:

-127 + 314 = 187

I apologize, but I made an error in my previous response. The correct answer is 187.