Expand 7/10(5d+6) .

To expand this expression, we distribute the 7/10 to each term inside the parentheses:

7/10(5d+6) = (7/10)(5d) + (7/10)(6)

First, multiply 7/10 by 5d:

(7/10)(5d) = (7/10)(5)(d) = (35/10)(d) = 3.5d

Next, multiply 7/10 by 6:

(7/10)(6) = (7/10)(6/1) = (42/10) = 4.2

Now, putting the results together:

7/10(5d+6) = 3.5d + 4.2

To expand the expression 7/10(5d+6), we can distribute the 7/10 to each term inside the parentheses:

(7/10) * 5d + (7/10) * 6

Now, let's simplify each term:

(7/10) * 5d simplifies to (35/10)d or 3.5d

(7/10) * 6 simplifies to (42/10) or 4.2

Therefore, the expanded expression is 3.5d + 4.2.

To expand the expression 7/10(5d+6), we can follow the order of operations, also known as PEMDAS (parentheses, exponents, multiplication and division from left to right, and addition and subtraction from left to right).

1. Distribute (multiply) the 7/10 to both terms inside the parentheses:
(7/10) * (5d) + (7/10) * (6)

Multiply the numerator (7) by each term inside the parentheses and place the results over the denominator (10):

(35d/10) + (42/10)

2. Simplify the expressions with like terms:
To add or subtract fractions, the denominators must be the same. In this case, the denominators are the same (10), so we simply add the numerators:

(35d + 42) / 10

Thus, the expanded form of 7/10(5d+6) is (35d + 42) / 10.