Because of the use of value change in this image, the artist

(1 point)

was able to make the image have no contrast.

was able to emphasize only one minute area of the drawing.

was able to create the illusion of depth.

was able to create no difference in textures.

The artist was able to create the illusion of depth.

Because of the use of value change in this image, the artist was able to create the illusion of depth.

The correct answer is:

The artist was able to create the illusion of depth.

In this image, the artist has utilized value change to create the perception of three-dimensional space. Value refers to the lightness or darkness of a color, and by manipulating the range of values in different areas of the drawing, the artist has been able to make some areas appear closer or further away. This variation in values creates the illusion of depth, making the image appear three-dimensional rather than flat. So, by using value change effectively, the artist has given the image a sense of depth.