Which sentence contains coordinate adjectives

I saw a small, black cat run across the road.

Coordinate adjectives are two or more adjectives that modify the same noun independently, meaning they can be rearranged or separated by "and" without changing the meaning of the sentence. Here is an example of a sentence containing coordinate adjectives:

"The tall, handsome man walked into the room."

In this sentence, "tall" and "handsome" are coordinate adjectives that independently describe the noun "man."

To determine which sentence contains coordinate adjectives, you will need to identify sentences that have two or more adjectives that modify the same noun independently, without one adjective depending on the other.

For example, let's consider the following sentences:

1. The big, blue house is located on the hill.
2. The tall, dark, handsome man walked into the room.

In sentence 1, we have two adjectives, "big" and "blue," both modifying the noun "house." These adjectives are coordinate adjectives since they can be rearranged or separated by a conjunction (e.g., "The blue, big house is located on the hill").

In sentence 2, we have three adjectives, "tall," "dark," and "handsome," all modifying the noun "man." These adjectives are also coordinate adjectives as they independently describe the noun.

Therefore, the sentence that contains coordinate adjectives is sentence 2: "The tall, dark, handsome man walked into the room."