An artistic girl paints on a canvas.

Which sentence best describes the content of the image?
(1 point)

Ella es desordenada
Ella es desordenada

Ella es artística
Ella es artística

Ella es estudiosa.
Ella es estudiosa.

Ella es deportista
Ella es deportista

The sentence "Ella es artística" best describes the content of the image as it mentions that the girl is artistic, which is relevant to the act of painting on a canvas.

Which word best completes the sentence?

_______chica es muy reservada.

(1 point)






The best sentence that describes the content of the image is "Ella es artística" which translates to "She is artistic" in English.

To determine the best sentence that describes the content of the image, we can analyze the given options and their relevance to the image.

Option 1: "Ella es desordenada" (She is messy) - This sentence does not provide any information relevant to the content of the image.

Option 2: "Ella es artística" (She is artistic) - This sentence directly relates to the content of the image, as it states that the girl is artistic, which aligns with her painting on the canvas.

Option 3: "Ella es estudiosa" (She is studious) - This sentence does not provide any information relevant to the content of the image.

Option 4: "Ella es deportista" (She is sporty) - This sentence does not provide any information relevant to the content of the image.

Based on the analysis, the sentence that best describes the content of the image is "Ella es artística" (She is artistic).