Drawings made of mostly analytic lines cannot prompt deep feelings in the viewer.

(1 point)






Explanation: The statement suggests that drawings made of predominantly analytical lines cannot evoke deep emotions in the viewer. To determine the accuracy of this claim, we need to consider the characteristics of analytic lines and their potential impact on emotions. Analytic lines are typically precise, logical, and free from expressive qualities. While these types of lines may not possess the same level of emotive power as more organic or gestural lines, it would be incorrect to say that they cannot elicit deep feelings in the viewer. Artistic expression is subjective, and different individuals may have a diverse range of emotional responses to different styles of artwork. Some viewers may actually find the precision and order of analytic lines to be emotionally impactful, while others may prefer more expressive and emotional qualities in artwork. Ultimately, the impact of a drawing on the viewer's emotions depends on the individual's subjective experience rather than solely on the presence of analytic lines.